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May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

A well-balanced program of physical activity includes three main components: aerobic exercise, strength training and flexibility training.  Commitment to a regular physical activity program is more important than the intensity of your workouts. Choose exercises you are likely to pursue and enjoy, such as walking, running, stair climbing, biking, rowing, cross-country skiing, swimming or classes such as ZUMBA or Jazzercise.

Healthy aerobic training should be performed 3-5 days per week with a minimum of 20 minutes per day. Don’t let your schedule stand in your way….it is better to exercise for a shorter period of time than not at all.

Strength training is another exercise option to be incorporated two to three times per week using free weights or weight machines. General training should consist of 2-3 upper body and lower body exercises while also including important abdominal or core exercises as well.

Flexibility training is also important, but frequently neglected. Neglect in this area can result in increased tightness as you age and likelihood of becoming less active. Stretching is most safely done with sustained gradual movements lasting a minimum of 30 seconds per stretch done a minimum of once a day.

We offer a “wellness program” in our Physical Therapy department with state of the art equipment that allows patients to maintain/regain the strength and fitness needed for an active lifestyle. This includes a complimentary evaluation to assess any limitations of range of motion, strength, balance, posture and a recommended complete exercise program to correct underlying deficits. Contact us at 281-664-2202 for an appointment.